Game Rulebook - Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game - Component relative to "Pawns Characters"

¤ It symbolizes a printable game component that is related to "Pawns Characters" in the form of Page(s) of full page standard sheet size of A4. ¤ The "Pawns Characters" are symbolized by a full arrow in the direction of the right (indicating the direction of movement of the pawns) ... ... an illustration and a free insert (in the form of a banner) where to write the first name or pseudonym wanted by each CandiesCollectors on each dissociated "Pawns Characters" component. ¤ The "Pawns Characters" don't have any special characteristics except for small solid arrows ... ... this indicates the direction of movement ... - unless otherwise indicated, diagonal moves are not allowed (but are still indicated on each "Pawns Characters"). - unless otherwise indicated, moves on inaccessible squares (those surrounded by diamonds and whose borders are hatched), are not allowed. - the directions corresponding to making a move of the "FORWARD" type are the following: ↑ = consider moving FORWARD from square to square to the TOP → = consider being able to MOVE FORWARD from square to square to the RIGHT And as explained before, there are also two other directions for ADVANCE for moves, but only in case of special rules SO unless otherwise stated, you are not allowed to use them... ... but they exist for some variants of the game rule - ADVANCE from square to square diagonally UP-RIGHT - ADVANCE from square to square diagonally DOWN-RIGHT - the directions corresponding to a move of type "BACKWARD" are the following: ↓ = consider going BACKWARD from square to square DOWN ← = consider to be able to BACKWARD from square to square to the LEFT There are also two other directions for BACKWARD for moves, but only if there are special rules SO unless otherwise stated, you are not allowed to use them... ... but they exist for some variants of the game rule - GO BACK one square at a time diagonally UPPER LEFT - MOVE backwards by squares diagonally LOWER LEFT The direction of movement is therefore to be considered according to the orientation of the "Pawns Characters" when placed on a square on the "Game Board". This means that all the arrows on the "Pawns Characters" ... ... define the direction to MOVE when moving the "Pawns Characters" on the "Game Board" ... ... and that any other direction contrary to the arrows on the "Pawns Characters" define the direction to GO BACK. ¤ The "Pawns Characters" are what we can simply call 'pawns that each CandiesCollectors will represent during the game'. ¤ Unless otherwise indicated, 1 "Pawns Characters" is required per CandiesCollectors. ¤ They are necessary to keep in sight and in memory the locations and positions of the CandiesCollectors. ¤ If you don't like the visual of the banner to write the first name or pseudonym of each CandiesCollectors ... ... THEN: print the page with the empty counters without banderoles (but you will still have to draw your avatars in it)! OR If you don't find what you're looking for among the "Pawns Characters" components ... ... nothing prevents you from illustrating some yourself ... ... (the dimension of your drawings must respect at best the proportion of the components "Pawns Characters" already existing) ... ... (look at the PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS to have a graphic base to print according to your preferences) ... ... and then you are free to use your beautiful illustrations. ¤ PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS: - The "Pawns Characters" components are not colored, but if you wish, you may very well color them (once printed). - Each "Pawns Characters" page is named as follows: > `Page [*]` (where * is a number). > Each `Page [*]` corresponds to a various set of "Pawns Characters" components. There are the Male gender the Female gender the Non-Binary gender the Fantasy gender It's up to you to represent the gender and style that makes you feel good. > Print as many `Page [*]` pages as you want/require for your game. # A minimum number of pages is required (see for the different game versions: "STANDARD" or "SOLO"). > (EXTRA) `Page [empty - vierge]` > > Each `Page [empty - vierge]` corresponds to a diverse and varied set of "Pawns Characters" components without illustrations (but with all the remaining details). > (EXTRA) `Page [only box - boîte seulement]` > > Each `Page [only box - boîte seulement]` corresponds to a diverse and varied set of "Pawns Characters" components without anything else than the frame. ¤ Unless otherwise indicated, CandiesCollectors keep the same "Pawns Characters" throughout the game for themselves. ¤ There is no descriptive caption icon for this game component.

Quick Links to Game Components through the Game Rulebook

Cards Surprises!

You will hate them... or adore them..

Game Board

The place where you will make the 100 steps..

Pawns Characters

Play the role of a CandiesCollectors..

Sheets Costumes

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tickets Treats

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tiles Decorations

Enjoy and admire landscape and decorations..

Tiles Housing

Ring the doorbell of the housings...

Tokens Masks

Compete with your masks against other CandiesCollectors..