Informations Corner - What is that ?

At Arts 4 Sale, we have always wanted to do something with our passions with our imagination about a very famous playful art: the video game This edition of Tricks or Treats | Farces ou Friandises is a Print&Play and Draw2Custom edition. This "print-to-play" and "draw-to-customize" board game is generously offered for free by Arts 4 Sale ( [Tempérance Klug aka Stashed Girl]. Our passion for video game assets: our field of predilection associated with our true love for board games alone or with several people we set ourselves the challenge of bringing to the public a complete, fun, strategic FUN, STRATEGIC, AMBITIOUS AND FEATURE-RICH BOARD GAME.

Quick Links to Game Components through the Game Rulebook

Cards Surprises!

You will hate them... or adore them..

Game Board

The place where you will make the 100 steps..

Pawns Characters

Play the role of a CandiesCollectors..

Sheets Costumes

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tickets Treats

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tiles Decorations

Enjoy and admire landscape and decorations..

Tiles Housing

Ring the doorbell of the housings...

Tokens Masks

Compete with your masks against other CandiesCollectors..