Game Rulebook - Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game - Component relative to "Cards Surprises!"

¤ Is a printable component that is relative to "Cards Surprises!" in the form of standard A4 size full sheet Page(s). ( Remember that the more "Cards Surprises!" pages you print ... ... the more "Cards Surprises!" you will have to use ... ... imagine if you ran out of "Cards Surprises!" during a game ... ... that would be really bad, right? ... ... that's why you should always have more than you need ... ... but by default, in the "STANDARD" or "SOLO" game type ... ... look at the minimum number of pages to print (see below). ) ¤ "Cards Surprises!" are symbolized by an illustration and a descriptive caption on each "Cards Surprises!". ¤ The descriptive caption(s) listed on each "Cards Surprises!" component indicates the effect of each "Cards Surprises!". ¤ "Cards Surprises!" are what can simply be considered ... ... "game strategy tipping events". The "Cards Surprises!" are necessary to the entirety of a game to spice it up ... ... especially by punctuating it with unlikely tipping events (welcome (^_^)/ or unwelcome (T_T)). ¤ "Cards Surprises!" are obtained (unless otherwise indicated) in different ways: - (when playing a SOLO game) as soon as you reach an "S!" square on the "Game Board". - (when playing the STANDARD game) at the end of each turn of the CandiesCollectors who is currently playing his or her turn. The effects of the "Cards Surprises!" thus drawn will be applied in a specific order ... ... explained below in point (d) of the HELP ON THE LOGIC OF BALANCING AND THE BEHAVIOR OF "Cards Surprises!". ¤ Unless otherwise noted, ~ each "Cards Surprises!" drawn from the "Cards Surprises!" pile must be from above. ~ Each "Surprise Card!" returned to play must be returned (in shuffled order) to the bottom of the "Surprise Cards!" pile. ¤ You can generate new "Cards Surprises!" effects... ... with the generator that Arts 4 Sale has developed ... ... which is available on the Arts 4 Sale web server... ... to anyone who wants to generate more possibilities. (see the chapter "Generation Tools"). ¤ If despite the generator at your disposal you do not find your happiness among the effects of the components "Cards Surprises!" ... ... nothing prevents you from defining some yourself ... ... (the definition of your effects must respect the proportion of the icons of the components which are in the game) ... ... (look at the PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS to have a graphic base to print according to your preferences) ... ... and then you are free to use your creations. ¤ PRINTING GUIDELINES: - The "Cards Surprises!" components are not colored, but if you wish, you may very well color them (once printed). - Each "Cards Surprises!" page is named as follows: > `Page [*]` (where * is a number). > Each `Page [*]` is a unique Cards Surprises! component. > Print as many `Page [*]` pages as you need for your game. # A minimum number of pages is required - see for the different game types: "STANDARD" or "SOLO". > (EXTRA) `Page [empty - vierge]` > > Each `Page [empty - vierge]` corresponds to a diverse and varied set of "Cards Surprises!" components without effects (but with all the remaining details). ¤ Unless otherwise noted, CandiesCollectors may not keep this type of game component for themselves (on their side). Consider them a non-stockable resource because unless otherwise noted, they are immediate effects. ¤ By the use of the term "Immediate Effect", this means that: Their effect must always be applied immediately upon the draw of a "Cards Surprises!": ( for more details and clarifications on immediate effects ... ... see the HELP FOR THE LOGIC OF BALANCING AND BEHAVIOR OF "Cards Surprises!) ). _______________ ¤ HELP WITH THE BALANCING LOGIC AND BEHAVIOR OF "Cards Surprises!" (whether or not you use the "Cards Surprises!" Generator or EXTRA pages of the "Cards Surprises!" component).. (and whether or not you want to define "Cards Surprises!" effects yourself) ... It is important to apply these balances and limitations and to understand the application of their behavior! ... (a) A "Cards Surprises!" can have from 1 to 3 effects maximum. (b) Among the effects, there can be gains or losses. (c) Each effect (special (-) or gain (+) as well as loss (-)) is displayed one below the other in the effect area of the "Cards Surprises! (d) Effects are applied in the following order of appearance: (d.1) IF, unless otherwise indicated, the very last effect at the bottom of the "Cards Surprises!" is a GAIN (+), effects will be applied from TOP to BOTTOM. (d.2) IF, unless otherwise noted, the very last effect at the bottom of the "Cards Surprises!" is a LOSS (-), the application of effects will be from BOTTOM to TOP. (d.3) IF there is only one effect at the bottom of the Cards Surprises!, whether negative or positive, the application of the single effect should be as in case (d.1). (d.4) IN THE CASE OF SPECIAL EFFECTS (-) "Cards Surprises! (preceded by the "Cards Surprises!" icon and clearly indicated in the effect area), the "Cards Surprises!" special effect will be PRIORITY OR NON-PRIORITY over all others ACCORDING TO THESE CONDITIONS: ~ If no LOSS (-) effect is present in the area of effect of the current "Cards Surprises!" then the SPECIAL (-) effect of the current "Cards Surprises! will be applied first. ~ If at least one LOSS (-) effect is present in the area of effect of the current "Cards Surprises! then the SPECIAL (-) effect of the current "Cards Surprises! will be applied last, everything else will be applied first. (d.5) Once the "Cards Surprises!" effect has been applied, it must be replayed as described in the section --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Cards Surprises!"]. (d.6) Unless otherwise noted, the modifiers for the "Sheets Costumes" component are NEVER applicable here. (d.7) If the area of effect of a "Cards Surprises!" is entirely without effect, then draw another "Cards Surprises! (d.8) Unless otherwise stated, it is impossible for a LOSS (-), regardless of the effect, to place a CandiesCollectors in a negative situation: no values below 0. IF, a CandiesCollectors (for example) draws a "Cards Surprises!" whose effect is a LOSS (-), that this LOSS (-) evokes "Tickets Tricks", that the CandiesCollectors has 2 "Tickets Tricks" in his or her inventory, that the LOSS (-) displayed by the "Cards Surprises! then, quite simply, the CandiesCollectors will have a LOSS of all its "Tickets Tricks" in the sense that the simple calculation: (2 - 3) = -1 gives a negative value, then, the CandiesCollectors loses all his or her "Tickets Tricks". (e) The "Sheets Costumes" effect: It can be at GAIN (+) or LOSS (-). And the value of the effect can be 1 maximum. The CandiesCollectors WINS (recovers on his side) or LOSES (puts back into play) as many "Sheets Costumes" as the value indicated by the effect. The CandiesCollectors must decide himself/herself in case of LOSS which "Sheets Costumes" to part with. The "Sheets Costumes" thus recovered will be drawn as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => ["Sheets Costumes"]. Once the total number of "Sheets Costumes" has been drawn, as indicated on the "Cards Surprises!" effect, it is up to the CandiesCollectors to choose which one to keep. The CandiesCollectors may keep only one of the "Sheets Costumes" and may only have a maximum of one on his or her side of the game. The rest not chosen by the CandiesCollectors will be put back into play. The "Sheets Costumes" will be put back into play as described in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => ["Sheets Costumes"]. The "Tokens Masks" effect: It can be GAIN (+) or LOSS (-). And the value of the effect can be from 1 to 5 maximum. The CandiesCollectors WINS (recovers on his side) or LOSES (puts back into play) as many "Tokens Masks" as the value indicated by the effect. The CandiesCollectors must decide which "Tokens Masks" to discard in the event of a LOSS. The recovered "Tokens Masks" are to be drawn as described in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => ["Tokens Masks"]. The "Tokens Masks" thus put back into play will be given as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => ["Tokens Masks"]. The "Tokens Movements" effect: It can be at GAIN (+) or LOSS (-). And the value of the effect can be from 1 to 9 maximum. The effect is applied immediately during the current turn which means that the CandiesCollectors makes an immediate move on the Game Board relative to the value. You do not draw "Tokens Movements", you ADVANCE or RECEIVE the number indicated by the "Cards Surprises!" effect. A GAIN means ADVANCE on the "Game Board" (in the direction of the solid arrows on the "Pawns Characters"). REMEMBER: `Forward' diagonals, unless otherwise noted, are prohibited. A LOSS means GOING BACK on the "Game Board" (in the REVERSE direction of the solid arrows on the "Pawns Characters". REMEMBER: `Backward diagonals, unless otherwise noted, are prohibited. The "Cards Surprises!" effect : It can be SPECIAL (-) only. And the effect value can be from 1 to 3 maximum. The effect is applied during the current turn according to the priority specified above (see: d.4): the effect forces the CandiesCollectors to draw as many "Cards Surprises!" relative to the value after applying the effect(s) of the current "Cards Surprises!". The effects of each additional "Cards Surprises!" so drawn will be applied according to the priority specified above (see: d.1; d.2; d.3; d.4): ATTENTION: Unless otherwise stated, the "Cards Surprises!" effect to be drawn, relative to the new "Cards Surprises!" drawn following a "Cards Surprises!" effect, will not be applicable: no draw ... ... the reason for this limitation is that if we would allow a draw of "Surprise Cards!" from a "Surprise Cards! ... that would contain additional effects from other "Cards Surprises!" draws ... ... this would in some cases cause an infinite draw, and would greatly break the rhythm of the game. Once the "Cards Surprises!" effect has been applied, it must be put back into play as described in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Cards Surprises!"]. The "Cards Surprises!" thus recovered are to be drawn as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Cards Surprises!"]. The "Cards Surprises!" must be handed in as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Cards Surprises!"]. The "Tickets Treats" effect: It can be GAIN (+) or LOSS (-). And the value of the effect can be from 1 to 4 maximum. The CandiesCollectors WINS (gets back) or LOSES (puts back) as many "Tickets Treats" as the value indicated by the effect. The CandiesCollectors must decide which "Tickets Treats" he/she wants to discard in case of LOSS. The "Tickets Treats" collected in this way are to be drawn from as described in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Tickets Treats"]. The "Tickets Treats" are to be given as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Tickets Treats"]. The "Tickets Tricks" effect: It can be GAIN (+) or LOSS (-). And the value of the effect can be from 1 to 5 maximum. The CandiesCollectors WINS (recovers on his side) or LOSES (puts back into play) as many "Tickets Tricks" as the value indicated by the effect. The CandiesCollectors must decide himself/herself in case of LOSS which "Tickets Tricks" to dispose of. The recovered "Tickets Tricks" are to be drawn as described in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Tickets Tricks"]. The "Tickets Tricks" will be given as stipulated in the chapter --- Understanding, mechanic and structure of a game => [Component relative to "Tickets Tricks"]. _______________ ¤ The descriptive caption icon (upper left corner) for this game component is represented by the letter S (capitalized), ... ... followed by an exclamation mark (see picture: ). ¤ CAUTION: If a situation indicates that one or more "Surprise Cards!" ... ... and there are no more "Surprise Cards!" available in play in the "Surprise Cards!" pile ... ... then no "Cards Surprises!" will be retrieved (just ignore the draw effect).

Quick Links to Game Components through the Game Rulebook

Cards Surprises!

You will hate them... or adore them..

Game Board

The place where you will make the 100 steps..

Pawns Characters

Play the role of a CandiesCollectors..

Sheets Costumes

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tickets Treats

Dress up in your favorite costume..

Tiles Decorations

Enjoy and admire landscape and decorations..

Tiles Housing

Ring the doorbell of the housings...

Tokens Masks

Compete with your masks against other CandiesCollectors..